What if I told you that I have a magic pill and if you took this pill once a day you would feel happier, calmer, more clear headed, more focused, more productive, more creative and generally have a healthier body with lower blood pressure, better digestion and deeper sleep… all of this with no side effects and the pill won’t cost you a thing!

Would you want to take a pill that delivers all these benefits?

Well I’ve got even better news. You don’t have to go to any shop or on any treasure hunt in the Amazonian jungle to find this pill, because it isn’t out there in the external World. It is already within you, it is always there and it can be accessed any time. The secret to activating the pill and receiving all these benefits is… meditation.

The only investment you need to make is a little bit of time. It can be as little as five minutes a day but the longer you invest the better the benefits will be.

I know, I know… you’re already thinking “I don’t have any spare time”. Most people will automatically, sub consciously, start telling themselves “I’m too busy” or “It won’t work for me anyway”.

But here’s the ironic thing… If you have that little voice coming up with excuses and justifying why you don’t have time and how meditation wouldn’t work for you then the chances are that you are someone who would greatly benefit from it.

In this busy World where we are multi-tasking all day… we’re emailing, phoning, tweeting, hashtagging, sharing… and then eating whilst doing all of the above. Or we’re even doing all of the above whilst driving at the same time. Or doing all of the above whilst driving and thinking about what happened yesterday and worrying about tomorrows big meeting.

All of these stresses and repetitive thought patterns make our body think it is constantly under threat and keeps us in a state of fight or flight. When we’re in this state adrenalin flushes through the body, breathing becomes fast and shallow, heart rate increases. Our nervous systems are under immense pressure and its only a matter of time before they break.

This isn’t just me saying this either. There have been over 6000 peer reviewed studies done on meditation and it has been scientifically proven to work. So the next time you hear that little voice in your head telling you that you don’t have the time to invest in clearing your mind and making yourself feel great… then take that as a cue to take your daily dose of meditation.




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